Saturday, January 14, 2012

Isaiah 40:29 He Gives Strength To The Weary And Increases The Power Of The Weak.

What do we do when we cannot do? What do we do when we have used up every amount of energy and resources? These two questions may be some of the most important questions of life. The answer is easy but the implementation is difficult. The answer is “to have faith.” The answer “to have faith” is too often hollow for a person at the end of their road with nowhere to go. When a person has no power, the answer “to have faith” can seem like grinding salt into the wound. However, “having faith” means we have hope or faith in God. When we have faith in God, then He will never disappoint us. We must come to accept our reality is more than what we see, feel, and touch. God and His power are a part of our reality. God made our reality. Our having faith turns the darkness in our reality into the light, a light from the very Light of the world.

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