Monday, April 30, 2012

Psalms 138:7 Though I Walk In The Midst Of Trouble, You Preserve My Life; You Stretch Out Your Hand Against The Anger Of My Foes, With Your Right Hand You Save Me.

When we face pain on a continual basis we can begin to think God no longer has any power. When we face pain we must continually, without ceasing, turn toward God. Even in those times when we think God no longer has any power, He no longer loves us, and He no longer hears our pleas for comfort, we must still kneel at the foot of His cross. When our faith erodes because of our pain, we can begin to want (even beg) God to work in our life to give us special favors. Pain does not give us some kind of special right or privilege before God. We must proclaim God's power and love over our life even when we may face pain on a daily basis. When we are in pain, we are at the center of the battle between God and Satan. The war being waged over us by God and Satan is for our soul. Our destiny in eternity is determined by how we stand up against Satan's attacks. Like the Psalmist noted above, God's right hand through Christ does indeed save us so we may live in heaven forever and never again have to face a painful life here on earth.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Psalms 103:13 As A Father Has Compassion On His Children, So The Lord Has Compassion On Those Who Fear Him;

Sin blinds us. The last thing many people want to hear when they hurt is someone pounding on them about sin. However, the realities of life are such that when we hurt we have difficulty experiencing God's compassion. Tragically, when sin blinds us we keep on going to the trough of sin, over and over again. Even when we hurt, we still must make every effort to live a righteous life. When we let our pain blind us we pile trouble on top of trouble. Even if we have to go to Christ every day by only going through the motions, going through the motions is better than letting sin rule over us, which is what Satan wants to do. There is no part of our life we must guard more diligently than the place in our heart where our faith resides. Even a weak faith is a mighty force for God. You must keep going when you think you cannot go on. You must keep on believing when you think you can no longer believe. You must keep on praying when you think you can pray no more. Even when all you can do is whisper a tiny thought in prayer, Jesus hears you and He will indeed be with you until the end of the age.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Romans 8:28 And We Know That In All Things God Works For The Good Of Those Who Love Him, Who Have Been Called According To His Purpose.

Pain cancels out love. Pain cancels out our sense of His purpose. Because of what pain does to our heart, life, and soul we must, we absolutely must maintain a will of steel for Christ. In pain, we must not be reduced down to whimpering babies. When we suffer, we must be adults even when we are not yet adults. By maintaining an iron will, by being unrelenting in holding on to Christ and His love no matter what happens to us, even in our pain we will know in the deepest part of our soul God really does work for our good. We will know our purpose in life, even if we cannot get to a place where we can do our purpose at the moment. When we win in our pain, when we maintain our iron will and keep His commands, we will likely not be met by a parade to celebrate our victory. When we win in our pain, our victory will likely be known only to us and to Christ. Our victory will affirm for us, even in tiny ways, God is working for us even if we cannot work for Him like we might want.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

John 14:1 "Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled. Trust In God; Trust Also In Me."

Our pain is like a plague upon us. Our pain troubles us and infects our heart, mind, soul, and body. However, no matter what our pain tries to do to us, Christ is our comfort. When our pain seems to come from out of nowhere in a mysterious kind of attack, we can still trust in Christ who is our shield and defender. What are we supposed to think when it seems we are not being defended? Where is Christ when our pain comes and does not leave us? In these dark moments, we are to still trust in God. We are to still trust in God because there will come a time when all our burdens shall be lifted from us. There will come a time when our life will be immersed totally and completely in His glory and grace. Our trust in God will give us not just a great reward, but an infinite reward in eternity mere words cannot begin to express. We cannot know how great eternity might be because our mind, heart, and soul cannot measure eternity. Once again, we must trust God to keep us within His love both now and forever more.