Saturday, February 4, 2012

Psalms 72:18 Praise Be To The Lord God, The God Of Israel, Who Alone Does Marvelous Deeds.

In pain, we want someone to make our pain go away. As difficult as it may seem, Christ wants us to give Him praise, even in our pain. In our pain, to be immersed in His healing love requires we produce an outpouring of our spirit in praise before Him. When we empty our heart and soul to Christ in praise, Christ gives us His joy and power in return. When we pour out our heart and soul to Christ in praise, we draw near to Christ and He draws near to us. Even in your pain, you can draw near to Christ when you thank Him for all the blessings, both seen and unseen, in your life. When you can say "thank you for this moment in my life," even in your pain, you are then able to receive back the full measure of the Lord's love. When you love the Lord, He instantly loves you back and He makes your pain bearable. When you express your gratitude to Christ, you are instantly drawn to His side. Whether you are in pain or not, gratitude, thanksgiving, and praise are warranted from you for He is always with you when you need Him.

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