Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Luke 19:41 As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it

Jesus was not weeping over the streets, buildings, and other physical attributes of Jerusalem. Jesus was weeping over the hearts of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jesus was weeping over the hearts of the inhabitants of earth…then and now. As we weep for others, as we hurt for them, we must take our weeping and hurting to the heart of Christ. He knows our heart pain, for He has hurt like we hurt. When another person is hurting, we may not be able to take away their pain. However, Christ brings them the comfort no one else can bring. When we are suffering with the hurt we feel for others, we can open our heart and life to Christ so He can use us in whatever way He wills. Let Christ lead you. Christ will help you be a healing witness to others in His name. When we open our heart to Christ, when we hurt for others, He is then able to give us the ability to speak words of comfort, words of solace, and words of enduring love to soothe the pain of the person we hold in our heart.

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