Saturday, November 26, 2011

Psalm 42:11 Why Are You Downcast, O My Soul? Why So Disturbed Within Me? Put Your Hope In God, For I Will Yet Praise Him, My Savior And My God.

In pain, we need hope. Without hope, the demons come and dance on our soul. With hope, our soul is not so downcast. In hope, we can look up rather than down. In hope we can see what only God can see. In hope, we can praise God for His power in our life. The hope of Christ is our fuel to keep us going hour to hour. Empowered and fueled up, we do have the capacity to praise God for giving us hope for a better day and a better eternity. The Lord will not disappoint us. The Lord will only lead us to places full of light, love, and hope. In our darkest times, we are not alone. In our loneliness, we are not alone.

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