Monday, December 5, 2011

Psalm 26:8 I Love The House Where You Live, O Lord, The Place Where Your Glory Dwells.

Our love for God, for Christ, and for His heavenly kingdom helps us transcend every hurt and pain. Our love for Him and His dwelling in heaven gives us a way to see beyond our present life. Pain makes us blind in many ways. Our love for God opens our heart and our spiritual eyes to see the wonders no words can ever describe. As we think about the power of God's love, we can then come against the devastation of pain. We must also remember there will come a time when we share the very existence of God in the most complete of ways. Today, on this earth, our existence is defined by our reality of pain, suffering, and sin. Interspersed in our present reality on earth, we can get glimpses of God's power and love. No human has ever fully and completely seen God. However, there will come a time when our earthly reality shall pass away as we cross over to a timeless land of glory and love divine.

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