Monday, July 4, 2011

Col. 3:16 Let The Word Of Christ Dwell In You Richly As You Teach And Admonish One Another With All Wisdom, And As You Sing Psalms, Hymns And Spiritual Songs With Gratitude In Your Hearts To God.

Even when you are devastated in pain, you can still have the indwelling love of God in your life. You may not have an overwhelming love of God all the time. You may have only tiny inklings of His love in your pain. However, you must live a determined life to keep going and keep praising Him. If you love Him now, if you have loved Him in the past, you have blessings to count. With your blessings to count, you have gratitude in your heart. Even when Christ pulls you forward through your pain, or even when Christ pushes you forward in your pain, your heart can still be touched or filled with gratitude. Gratitude brings happiness, even whey you hurt. Impossible? Happiness in your pain is not impossible for just a mortal human. Happiness is indeed possible for just a mortal human when you take on the cloak of immortality in Christ's power, love, and grace.

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